But In The Mean Time, How Would You Like To Make Chicken Keeping The Easiest Thing You've Ever Done?
“I was new to keeping chickens and wanted helpful advice. Chickenpedia courses have been incredibly helpful and your online consulting invaluable. Thank you!”
“I was new to keeping chickens and wanted helpful advice. Chickenpedia courses have been incredibly helpful and your online consulting invaluable. Thank you!”

Claire S, Columbus, OH

Claire S, Columbus, OH

“Get it while you can! Seriously. I was so nervous about incubating my own chicks but Chickenpedia made it so fun and simple that I have no idea how I ever lived without it! Thanks again guys”
“Get it while you can! Seriously. I was so nervous about incubating my own chicks but Chickenpedia made it so fun and simple that I have no idea how I ever lived without it! Thanks again guys”

Jessica K, Austin, TX

Jessica K, Austin, TX

“Keeping used to feel so stressful because I could never figure out what was wrong with my chooks. But thanks to Chickenpedia, it now feels like a breeze! It’s like having a chicken keeping coach in my pocket.”
“Keeping used to feel so stressful because I could never figure out what was wrong with my chooks. But thanks to Chickenpedia, it now feels like a breeze! It’s like having a chicken keeping coach in my pocket.”

Andrew K, Melbourne, VIC

Andrew K, Melbourne, VIC

So You’re Excited To Enjoy Life As A Chicken Keeper…

You heard about how fulfilling it can be to raise chickens in your own backyard.

Waking up in the morning to find dozens of freshly laid, free-range eggs just waiting for you to savour…

Watching your kids excitedly looking after the feathered members of your family with a grin from ear-to-ear…

Proudly showing off your artisanal creations to your friends and family with delicious eggs and mouthwatering baked goods…

But when it came time to actually raise your little feathered friends, things weren’t looking so rosey.

Because there was one tiny little problem…

So You’re Excited To Enjoy Life As A Chicken Keeper…

You heard about how fulfilling it can be to raise chickens in your own backyard.

Waking up in the morning to find dozens of freshly laid, free-range eggs just waiting for you to savour…

Watching your kids excitedly looking after the feathered members of your family with a grin from ear-to-ear…

Proudly showing off your artisanal creations to your friends and family with delicious eggs and mouthwatering baked goods…

But when it came time to actually raise your little feathered friends, things weren’t looking so rosey.

Because there was one tiny little problem…

From trying to diagnose and treat your chickens’ strange symptoms to figuring out how to look after your new baby chicks, problems keep creeping up on you…

and you’re struggling to keep up.

You’re stuck spending countless hours searching on Google and prowling through the ends of the internet, trying to figure out what you need to do to keep your chickens happy and healthy.
But by the time you fix one problem, another crops up that sends you right back down the “what’s-up-with-my-chicken” research rabbit hole, searching for that holy grail - a.k.a “a simple answer that just told you exactly what you needed to do”.

The longer time goes on, the more you question this whole chicken keeping thing as you’re left wondering if you’ll always be feeling this lost, confused and frustrated.

From trying to diagnose and treat your chickens’ strange symptoms to figuring out how to look after your new baby chicks, problems keep creeping up on you…

and you’re struggling to keep up.

You’re stuck spending countless hours searching on Google and prowling through the ends of the internet, trying to figure out what you need to do to keep your chickens happy and healthy.
But by the time you fix one problem, another crops up that sends you right back down the “what’s-up-with-my-chicken” research rabbit hole, searching for that holy grail - a.k.a “a simple answer that just told you exactly what you needed to do”.

The longer time goes on, the more you question this whole chicken keeping thing as you’re left wondering if you’ll always be feeling this lost, confused and frustrated.

Well, here’s a little secret…

(It’s easier than you think.)

You see, when it comes to raising happy chickens, there’s one major mistake most beginner keepers make that turns the experience from an exciting, heart-warming journey that’ll leave the whole family feeling ecstatic to the kind of experience that farming nightmares are made of.

They’re winging it.
(pun intended)

They’re jumping in as chicken keepers without first having a simple, proven system to follow to prevent major issues from happening.

So instead of enjoying the journey by taking simple steps to prevent issues from happening in the first place, they’re stuck constantly trying to solve one problem after another that could have been easily avoided.

Well, here’s a little secret…

(It’s easier than you think.)

You see, when it comes to raising happy chickens, there’s one major mistake most beginner keepers make that turns the experience from an exciting, heart-warming journey that’ll leave the whole family feeling ecstatic to the kind of experience that farming nightmares are made of.

They’re winging it.
(pun intended)

They’re jumping in as chicken keepers without first having a simple, proven system to follow to prevent major issues from happening.

So instead of enjoying the journey by taking simple steps to prevent issues from happening in the first place, they’re stuck constantly trying to solve one problem after another that could have been easily avoided.

Most keepers 
are stuck in 
damage control.

Whether they’re figuring out how to prevent a predator attack after one has already gotten into their coop… or keeping parasites at bay after their chickens are already infested…

It’s no wonder 1 in 3 keepers lose at least one chicken in the first 6 months.
And having to explain to the kids what happened to their favourite chick… well… that’s a convo we’d all be happy to avoid.

Most keepers 
are stuck in 
damage control.

Whether they’re figuring out how to prevent a predator attack after one has already gotten into their coop… or keeping parasites at bay after their chickens are already infested…

It’s no wonder 1 in 3 keepers lose at least one chicken in the first 6 months.
And having to explain to the kids what happened to their favourite chick… well… that’s a convo we’d all be happy to avoid.

If you’re reading this, you’ve likely already started your journey as a chicken keeper…

You’re excited to watch a happy flock thriving in your backyard with the sense of pride that can only come from waking up in the morning to collect your own fresh, free range eggs (if you’re lucky, there’s even a double yolker in there).

Watching the kids take responsibility over their own chickens with a look of wonder in their eyes as you question why you never started keeping chickens sooner.

But when it comes to actually raising your chickens without the stress, the mess and the fear of losing them all, it can start to feel like an impossible dream.

That Struggle Ends Today.

Imagine never having to worry about what you need to do for your chickens, because you’ve got personalised support and expert advice at your fingertips, showing you step-by-step exactly what, when and how to do everything you need to keep your little cluckers happy, healthy & problem-free.

Imagine never having to worry about what you need to do for your chickens, because you’ve got personalised support and expert advice at your fingertips, showing you step-by-step exactly what, when and how to do everything you need to keep your little cluckers happy, healthy & problem-free.

That you can access at anytime…

From anywhere…

With instant answers for every symptom, problem or chicken-related question you’ll ever have.

That you can access at anytime…

From anywhere…

With instant answers for every symptom, problem or chicken-related question you’ll ever have.

Leaving you feeling confident and excited to look after your little feathered friends.

Imagine always feeling ready and capable of looking after your little chirpy egg-makers, no matter what troubles they run into… 

…without having to spend countless hours searching the internet or worrying about what to do next.

A virtual chicken keeping best-friend that you can turn to at anytime.

Who within a matter of minutes… will give you the answer to exactly what’s happening with your chickens and what you need to do to get them back into good health… with no expensive vet bills in sight.
  • …CONFIDENTLY handling any issues that come up with your chickens, no matter how inexperienced you might be.
  • ​…Knowing EXACTLY what to do to prevent major issues from arising… so you can spend more time enjoying keeping chickens and less time in damage control.
  • ​…Ensuring the health and quality of the eggs that your chickens produce so that you can keep your family healthy and fed with an unlimited organic supply.
  • ​…ALWAYS knowing what you need to do to look after your flock in as little time as possible…
  • ​…Having a coop that practically runs itself while you proudly show off your happy, healthy chickens to your friends and family.

Let’s make that your reality… starting today.

Gain instant access to the world’s best chicken keeping program with personalised support, bite-sized videos and step-by-step guides that’ll make keeping chickens the easiest and most enjoyable thing you’ve ever done.
Gain instant access to the world’s best chicken keeping program with personalised support, bite-sized videos and step-by-step guides that’ll make keeping chickens the easiest and most enjoyable thing you’ve ever done.
In Chickenpedia, you’ll get the exact advice and strategies you need to grow a thriving flock of happy & healthy chickens with less stress and more FUN than you ever thought was possible.

And the best part?

It’s a step-by-step system that gives you the right tasks, in the right order, on a week-by-week and day-by-day basis. (a.k.a. not just “a bunch of random info about chickens.”)

And the best part?

It’s a step-by-step system that gives you the right tasks, in the right order, on a week-by-week and day-by-day basis. (a.k.a. not just “a bunch of random info about chickens.”)

“SO GOOD! 🥰 I love the checklists - they have been so helpful. I live 6.5hrs from town so getting the advice from the eggsperts when one of my hens was breathing oddly was a life saver! I've recommended you to my neighbour and he too is now a member. Keep up the great work!”

What's Included In Chickenpedia

We’ve broken it down into 9 sections that make up everything you need to know to become a world-class chicken keeper. Each part is designed to help you master chicken keeping in as little time as possible.

The Ultimate Guide To Chicken Health - Give Them A Long, Happy & Healthy Life

From daily nutrition to disease and crisis prevention, discover everything you need to give your chickens a long, happy & healthy life without expensive vet bills or distressed, struggling chickens in sight.
  • BONUS: The printable “Ultimate Hen Health” checklist that you can refer to at any time
  • BONUS: Step-by-step coop hygiene & rapid cleaning guide
  • The #1 thing you have to do to ensure a steady supply of mouthwateringly delicious, fresh & warm eggs every morning.
  • How to give your chicken a vet-quality health check that’ll help you overcome major health problems before they even appear.
  • How to identify symptoms & early signs of critical illnesses so you can give your chickens a long, happy & healthy life.
  • The most unsuspecting symptoms that can spell out major health disasters that you can completely avoid with a few simple steps.
  • The dangerous signs of cannibalism in your flock and what you must do IMMEDIATELY to prevent a health crisis.
  • ​The WORST feeding mistake that 90% of keepers make that can cause the early demise of your entire flock.
  • Game-changing 100% natural remedies to avoid chemicals that are harmful to your chickens and you.
  • ​Exclusive techniques to keep your chooks in tip-top shape that’ll save you time, money and the headache of expensive vet trips.
  • The “do-or-die” list of toxic foods which can instantly kill your chickens that you have to avoid at ALL costs.
  • Zen-master secrets to keep your chooks calm, relaxed and to avoid any frustrating pecking and horrible noise problems.
  • ​The ultimate guide to the deadliest poultry diseases and what you need to do TODAY to keep your flock safe from harm.

Finding The Perfect Chicken Breed For You

Thought all chickens were the same? Think again. We’ll help you find the perfect breed match for your climate and lifestyle needs. Whether you’re just getting started or you’re introducing new chickens to an existing flock, we’ll give you the expert guidance you need to choose the best breed.
  • BONUS: “The Best Breed For Me” questionnaire to help you decide
  • BONUS: The A-Z of chicken breeds visual comparison chart
  • ​BONUS: DIY guide to making home-made treats that your chickens will absolutely love
  • ​BONUS: DIY guide to craft your own boredom busting chicken toys
  • ​A simple test to help you figure out the best breed for you and your family with pros and cons for each one.
  • The most popular breeds across the world and exactly why the locals in each area have voted for their favorites.
  • ​The most popular breeds across the world and exactly why the locals in each area have voted for their favourites.
  • The secrets behind what makes up a good-quality breed to crush any stress and confusion when shopping for chickens.
  • ​The answer to: “Do I have the right climate for keeping chickens?” We’ll show you the hardiest breeds that thrive in both hot & cold climates.
  • Make the kids fall in love with your chickens by choosing from our list of calm, playful, family-friendly chicken breeds.
  • ​The difference between personalities and traits of chicken breeds for you to create a harmonious household with a compatible flock full of fun characters.
  • Personalization secrets to help you create a photogenic mix of chickens with stunning feather patterns and amazing colors to proudly showcase.

Raising Safe, Happy & Healthy Baby Chicks

All it takes is one tiny mistake to cost you an entire flock of delicate baby chicks. That’s why we’ll show you the most crucial things you need to know to ensure that your little ones have a nurturing, loving and safe environment to thrive in.
  • BONUS: 4 x Daily, weekly & monthly “Care-For-Your-Chick” checklists
  • BONUS: Our step-by-step “Follow My Lead” weekly house-keeping checklist to keep your chicks healthy & safe
  • BONUS: Our step-by-step “Follow My Lead” weekly house-keeping checklist to keep your chicks healthy & safe
  • ​BONUS: Our illustrated chick weight tracker to follow your little ones’ progress
  • BONUS: The most important first-aid kit & shopping list your chicks will ever need
  • The best ways for you and your children to handle your baby chicks to keep them feeling safe and sheltered.
  • ​Exactly what, how and when to feed your baby chicks to make sure they grow into beautiful, thriving chickens.
  • ​Urgent warning signs to look out for and exactly what to do to protect the health of your little ones.
  • The most important factors you MUST avoid that could accidentally wipe out your entire flock of chicks.
  • ​Avoid disease and illness by figuring out exactly what vaccinations are needed to keep your flock healthy.
  • ​Room service isn’t just for hotels – get an easy-to-follow daily maintenance routine to keep their homes perfectly clean.
  • ​The exact temperature controls you need to have in place to keep your chicks warm, cosy and healthy.
  • ​Indulge your parental side by learning how to bond with, interact and support your little baby chicks.

How To Deal With Mites, Lice & Worms - Permanently

A perfect example of prevention being better than a cure, we’ll show you exactly how to identify, prevent and treat troubles with pests.
  • BONUS: Printable, step-by-step eradication “hit-list” guide to rapidly crush a creepy crawler infestation
  • BONUS: Parasite prevention checklist for daily, weekly & monthly prevention
  • BONUS: Visual guides & illustrations to help you easily inspect your chickens for signs of unwanted tenants
  • ​​How to permanently prevent mites & lice infestations in your flock with our simple yet powerful tips and tricks.
  • ​Save time, money and effort with our top recommendations for 100% natural treatments that are proven to work.
  • ​How to easily spot the signs of mites and lice before they spread through your flock and cause discomfort to your little feathered ones.
  • ​How to prevent an overgrowth of creepy crawly worms that steal precious nutrients away from your chickens.
  • ​The 13 biggest symptoms caused by worm infestations that you HAVE to look out for before it’s too late.
  • Quick seasonal tips to keep your flock safe and healthy from infestations through all four seasons.
  • ​Cleaning shortcuts to stop outbreaks of lice and mites by keeping your coop crystal clean.
  • ​Our secret recipe for a perfect dust bath mixture that’ll keep even the most determined parasites at bay.
  • ​Cleaning shortcuts to help you keep on top of your mites & lice prevention routine with little effort.

Chicken Nutrition Secrets, Tricks & Tips

As the saying goes: you are what you eat. That’s why we’ll show you exactly how to keep your little friends in tip-top shape with a healthy, nutritious diet.
  • BONUS: The ultimate “do-or-die” list of what you should and should NOT feed your chickens to keep them happy & healthy
  • The best treats for your chickens that they’ll love to indulge in while keeping their health in check.
  • ​The most important nutrition tips to ensure your chickens' health and wellbeing (Hint: Not all breeds eat the same).
  • How to match your chickens' diet to the exact stage of life they’re at to ensure maximum growth and consistent quality eggs.
  • The difference between different types of chicken feed and the best options for your budget to keep your flock happily fed.
  • ​The major aspect that keepers often overlook that needs to be added to your chickens’ diet to promote healthy digestion.
  • How to spot issues with your chickens’ diet by looking out for key changes and traits within their eggs.

Insider Secrets On 
Building vs. Buying A Coop

It can be a hard decision to choose between building your own coop or buying a pre-built one. That’s why we’ll walk you through the major benefits and drawbacks of both options to help you decide while showing you how to keep your security top-notch.
  • BONUS: The only chicken coop feature checklist you’ll ever need to follow
  • BONUS: The rapid coop cleaning guide that’ll make your life 1000% easier
  • The perfect size and materials you need for a low maintenance, high-quality coop that’s specifically aligned with the size of your flock.
  • How to create a perfect coop for your girls to relax and get ready to lay by optimizing your perch height.
  • Executive-level coop security strategies that’ll keep even the most cunning of predators at bay.
  • How to create a coop that feels like a presidential-suite that’s optimized for space and security to promote positive behaviour & egg production.
  • ​Crucial drainage tips and tricks to avoid seasonal health issues by keeping your flock fresh and dry through wet weather.
  • ​The importance of ventilation in a coop for your flock’s longevity and exactly why it’s one of the important aspects of a safe coop.
  • ​Design hacks to make your coop easier to clean, saving you time and energy for years to come.
  • ​Our exclusive nesting box designs that’ll keep your layers happy and provide you with eggs aplenty.

Total Predator Prevention & Protection

Discover exactly how to keep your flock safe and predators out of your coop by becoming the ultimate security eggspert.
  • BONUS: The printable “Ultimate Hen Health” checklist that you can refer to at anytime
  • BONUS: Step-by-step coop hygiene & rapid cleaning guide
  • The ultimate list of predators to watch out for from cunning foxes to pesky rats and silent, slithering snakes!
  • How to set up foolproof fencing that’ll keep even the most mischievous of predators at bay.
  • ​Burrow proof your coop with our list of chicken-protecting equipment that’ll fortify the ground beneath your chickens’ home.
  • ​Chicken little isn’t the only that’s worried about being outdoors – we’ll show you how to set up safe outdoor areas for your flock to frolic in peace.
  • ​What plants and vines you can set up around your flock that’ll repel pests and vermin like your own chicken-protecting green army.
  • Protect the health of your chickens and your family by learning how to prevent and get rid of disease-spreading mice and rats.

A Fool-Proof Guide To Safely Incubate & Hatch Eggs

Leave your worries by the door as we walk through the exact steps you need to take to ensure the safety of your future chicks as you incubate & hatch your eggs with none of the risks & a fraction of the effort.
  • BONUS: Our play-by-play 21-day egg hatching calendar for you to follow along until your chicks are ready to break free
  • Find out the most important things you have to do from the moment your ladies lay an egg to maximize your chicks’ chances of survival.
  • How to set up the perfect environment for your eggs to incubate and hatch - even if you have minimal space available.
  • A simple breakdown of the hatching cycle that’s so easy to follow, even a complete novice could hatch beautiful chicks.
  • ​The #1 biggest mistake that keepers tend to make that could severely damage your embryo & infect your baby chicks.
  • A little-known-trick that you can do in just 10 seconds a day that’ll keep your embryo safe and secure.
  • The “countdown” master clock that tells you exactly how long you can store your eggs for before hatchability takes a nosedive.

Helping Your Hens Lay A Limitless Supply Of Fresh, Healthy Eggs

Give your ladies the support and nurturing they need to provide you and your family with a never-ending supply of delicious eggs while avoiding the most critical issues that come up during laying.
  • BONUS: Our printable chicken egg tracker for you to track how many healthy eggs each chicken is providing you
  • The 11 most eggtastic breeds that’ll deliver HUNDREDS of fresh eggs from each chicken every year!
  • The Eggshell Detective - put on your detective hat and diagnose issues with your eggs using our picture-perfect egg diagnostics guide.
  • ​The simple candling technique that’ll help you identify in seconds whether an egg is fertilized or if it’s primed for the dinner table.
  • ​Looking to impress with a range of coloured eggs? We’ll show you exactly which breeds lay eggs in vibrant colours that’ll fit a rainbow.
  • ​The biggest driving factors behind deformed eggs and exactly how to get them back to perfection.
  • A rapid 3-second test that’ll instantly let you know if your eggs are safe to eat.
  • ​How to provide eggcellent care for your laying hens, giving them a supportive & nurturing environment to do what they do best - laying healthy, delicious eggs.
  • NEVER again experience an eggsistential crisis with our ultimate guide to the egg making process that’ll show you everything you’ll ever need to know.

What's Included In Chickenpedia

We’ve broken it down into 9 sections that make up everything you need to know to become a world-class chicken keeper. Each part is designed to help you master chicken keeping in as little time as possible.

The Ultimate Guide To Chicken Health - Give Them A Long, Happy & Healthy Life

From daily nutrition to disease and crisis prevention, discover everything you need to give your chickens a long, happy & healthy life without expensive vet bills or distressed, struggling chickens in sight.
  • BONUS: The printable “Ultimate Hen Health” checklist that you can refer to at anytime
  • BONUS: Step-by-step coop hygiene & rapid cleaning guide
In this module you'll learn:
  • The #1 thing you have to do to ensure a steady supply of mouthwateringly delicious, fresh & warm eggs every morning.
  • How to give your chicken a vet quality health check that’ll help you overcome major health problems before they even appear.
  • How to identify symptoms & early signs of critical illnesses so you can give your chickens a long, happy & healthy life.
  • The most unsuspecting symptoms that can spell out major health disasters that you can completely avoid with a few simple steps.
  • The dangerous signs of cannibalism in your flock and what you must do IMMEDIATELY to prevent a health crisis.
  • ​The WORST feeding mistake that 90% of keepers make that can cause the early demise of your entire flock.
  • Game-changing 100% natural remedies to avoid chemicals that are harmful to your chickens and you.
  • ​Exclusive techniques to keep your chooks in tip-top shape that’ll save you time, money and the headache of expensive vet trips.
  • The “do-or-die” list of toxic foods which can instantly kill your chickens that you have to avoid at ALL costs.
  • Zen-master secrets to keep your chooks calm, relaxed and to avoid any frustrating pecking and horrible noise problems.
  • ​The ultimate guide to the deadliest poultry diseases and what you need to do TODAY to keep your flock safe from harm.

Finding The Perfect Chicken Breed For You

Thought all chickens were the same? Think again. We’ll help you find the perfect breed match for your climate and lifestyle needs. Whether you’re just getting started or you’re introducing new chickens to an existing flock, we’ll give you the expert guidance you need to choose the best breed.
  • BONUS: “The Best Breed For Me” questionnaire to help you decide
  • BONUS: The A-Z of chicken breeds visual comparison chart
  • ​BONUS: DIY guide to making home-made treats that your chickens will absolutely love
  • ​BONUS: DIY guide to craft your own boredom busting chicken toys
In this module you'll learn:
  • ​A simple test to help you figure out the best breed for you and your family with pros and cons for each one.
  • The most popular breeds across the world and exactly why the locals in each area have voted for their favourites.
  • ​The most popular breeds across the world and exactly why the locals in each area have voted for their favourites.
  • The secrets behind what makes up a good-quality breed to crush any stress and confusion when shopping for chickens.
  • ​The answer to: “Do I have the right climate for keeping chickens?” We’ll show you the hardiest breeds that thrive in both hot & cold climates.
  • Make the kids fall in love with your chickens by choosing from our list of calm, playful, family-friendly chicken breeds.
  • ​The difference between personalities and traits of chicken breeds for you to create a harmonious household with a compatible flock full of fun characters.
  • Personalization secrets to help you create a photogenic mix of chickens with stunning feather patterns and amazing colours to proudly showcase.

Raising Safe, Happy & Healthy Baby Chicks

All it takes is one tiny mistake to cost you an entire flock of delicate baby chicks. That’s why we’ll show you the most crucial things you need to know to ensure that your little ones have a nurturing, loving and safe environment to thrive in.
  • BONUS: 4 x Daily, weekly & monthly “Care-For-Your-Chick” checklists
  • BONUS: Our step-by-step “Follow My Lead” weekly house-keeping checklist to keep your chicks healthy & safe
  • BONUS: Our step-by-step “Follow My Lead” weekly house-keeping checklist to keep your chicks healthy & safe
  • ​BONUS: Our illustrated chick weight tracker to follow your little ones’ progress
  • BONUS: The most important first-aid kit & shopping list your chicks will ever need
In this module you'll learn:
  • The best ways for you and your children to handle your baby chicks to keep them feeling safe and sheltered.
  • ​Exactly what, how and when to feed your baby chicks to make sure they grow into beautiful thriving chickens.
  • ​Urgent warning signs to look out for and exactly what to do to protect the health of your little ones.
  • The most important factors you MUST avoid that could accidentally wipe out your entire flock of chicks.
  • ​Avoid disease and illness by figuring out exactly what vaccinations are needed to keep your flock healthy.
  • ​Room service isn’t just for hotels – get an easy-to-follow daily maintenance routine to keep their homes perfectly clean.
  • ​The exact temperature controls you need to have in place to keep your chicks warm, cosy and healthy.
  • ​Indulge your parental side by learning how to bond with, interact and support your little baby chicks.

How To Deal With Mites, Lice & Worms - Permanently

A perfect example of prevention being better than a cure, we’ll show you exactly how to identify, prevent and treat troubles with pests.
  • BONUS: Printable, step-by-step eradication “hit-list” guide to rapidly crush a creepy crawler infestation
  • BONUS: Parasite prevention checklist for daily, weekly & monthly prevention
  • BONUS: Visual guides & illustrations to help you easily inspect your chickens for signs of unwanted tenants
In this module you'll learn:
  • ​​How to permanently prevent mites & lice infestations in your flock with our simple yet powerful tips and tricks.
  • ​Save time, money and effort with our top recommendations for 100% natural treatments that are proven to work.
  • ​How to easily spot the signs of mites and lice before they spread through your flock and cause discomfort to your little feathered ones.
  • ​How to prevent an overgrowth of creepy crawly worms that steal precious nutrients away from your chickens.
  • ​The 13 biggest symptoms caused by worm infestations that you HAVE to look out for before it’s too late.
  • Quick seasonal tips to keep your flock safe and healthy from infestations through all four seasons.
  • ​Cleaning shortcuts to stop outbreaks of lice and mites by keeping your coop crystal clean.
  • ​Our secret recipe for a perfect dust bath mixture that’ll keep even the most determined parasites at bay.
  • ​Cleaning shortcuts to help you keep on top of your mites & lice prevention routine with little effort.

Chicken Nutrition Secrets, Tricks & Tips

As the saying goes: you are what you eat. That’s why we’ll show you exactly how to keep your little friends in tip-top shape with a healthy, nutritious diet.
  • BONUS: The ultimate “do-or-die” list of what you should and should NOT feed your chickens to keep them happy & healthy
In this module you'll learn:
  • The best treats for your chickens that they’ll love to indulge in while keeping their health in check.
  • ​The most important nutrition tips to ensure your chickens' health and wellbeing (Hint: Not all breeds eat the same).
  • How to match your chicken’s diet to the exact stage of life they’re at to ensure maximum growth and consistent quality eggs.
  • The difference between different types of chicken feed and the best options for your budget to keep your flock happily fed.
  • ​The major aspect that keepers often overlook that needs to be added to your chickens’ diet to promote healthy digestion.
  • How to spot issues with your chickens’ diet by looking out for key changes and traits within their eggs.

Insider Secrets On 
Building vs. Buying A Coop

It can be a hard decision to choose between building your own coop or buying a pre-built one. That’s why we’ll walk you through the major benefits and drawbacks of both options to help you decide while showing you how to keep your security top-notch.
  • BONUS: The only chicken coop feature checklist you’ll ever need to follow
  • BONUS: The rapid coop cleaning guide that’ll make your life 1000% easier
In this module you'll learn:
  • The perfect size and materials you need for a low maintenance, high-quality coop that’s specifically aligned with the size of your flock.
  • How to create a perfect coop for your girls to relax and get ready to lay by optimising your perch height.
  • Executive-level coop security strategies that’ll keep even the most cunning of predators at bay.
  • How to create a coop that feels like a presidential-suite that’s optimised for space and security to promote positive behaviour & egg production.
  • ​Crucial drainage tips and tricks to avoid seasonal health issues by keeping your flock fresh and dry through wet weather.
  • ​The importance of ventilation in a coop for your flock’s longevity and exactly why it’s one of the important aspects of a safe coop.
  • ​Design hacks to make your coop easier to clean, saving you time and energy for years to come.
  • ​Our exclusive nesting box designs that’ll keep your layers happy and provide you with eggs aplenty.

Total Predator Prevention & Protection

Discover exactly how to keep your flock safe and predators out of your coop by becoming the ultimate security eggspert.
  • BONUS: The printable “Ultimate Hen Health” checklist that you can refer to at anytime
  • BONUS: Step-by-step coop hygiene & rapid cleaning guide
In this module you'll learn:
  • The ultimate list of predators to watch out for from cunning foxes to pesky rats and silent, slithering snakes!
  • How to set up foolproof fencing that’ll keep even the most mischievous of predators at bay.
  • ​Burrow proof your coop with our list of chicken-protecting equipment that’ll fortify the ground beneath your chickens’ home.
  • ​Chicken little isn’t the only that’s worried about being outdoors – we’ll show you how to set up safe outdoor areas for your flock to frolic in peace.
  • ​What plants and vines you can set up around your flock that’ll repel pests and vermin like your own chicken-protecting green army.
  • Protect the health of your chickens and your family by learning how to prevent and get rid of disease spreading mice and rats.

A Fool-Proof Guide To Safely Incubate & Hatch Eggs

Leave your worries by the door as we walk through the exact steps you need to take to ensure the safety of your future chicks as you incubate & hatch your eggs with none of the risks & a fraction of the effort.
  • BONUS: Our play-by-play 21-day egg hatching calendar for you to follow along until your chicks are ready to break free
In this module you'll learn:
  • Find out the most important things you have to do from the moment your ladies lay an egg to maximise your chicks’ chances of survival.
  • How to set up the perfect environment for your eggs to incubate and hatch - even if you have minimal space available.
  • A simple breakdown of the hatching cycle that’s so easy to follow, even a complete novice could hatch beautiful chicks.
  • ​The #1 biggest mistake that keepers tend to make that could severely damage your embryo & infect your baby chicks.
  • A little-known-trick that you can do in just 10 seconds a day that’ll keep your embryo safe and secure.
  • The “countdown” master clock that tells you exactly how long you can store your eggs for before hatchability takes a nosedive.

Helping Your Hens Lay A Limitless Supply Of Fresh, Healthy Eggs

Give your ladies the support and nurturing they need to provide you and your family with a never-ending supply of delicious eggs while avoiding the most critical issues that come up during laying.
  • BONUS: Our printable chicken egg tracker for you to track how many healthy eggs each chicken is providing you
In this module you'll learn:
  • The 11 most eggtastic breeds that’ll deliver HUNDREDS of fresh eggs from each chicken every year!
  • The Eggshell Detective - put on your detective hat and diagnose issues with your eggs using our picture-perfect egg diagnostics guide.
  • ​The simple candling technique that’ll help you identify in seconds whether an egg is fertilized or if it’s primed for the dinner table.
  • ​Looking to impress with a range of coloured eggs? We’ll show you exactly which breeds lay eggs in vibrant colours that’ll fit a rainbow.
  • ​The biggest driving factors behind deformed eggs and exactly how to get them back to perfection.
  • A rapid 3-second test that’ll instantly let you know if your eggs are safe to eat.
  • ​How to provide eggcelent care for your laying hens, giving them a supportive & nurturing environment to do what they do best - laying healthy, delicious eggs.
  • NEVER again experience an eggsistential crisis with our ultimate guide to the egg making process that’ll show you everything you’ll ever need to know.

Let me make one thing clear.

Yes, you’re going to learn a LOT inside of Chickenpedia.

But the thing is… all of that material you’ll have instant access to?

It’s not just bits of info about chickens that we’re throwing at you saying “Here you go. Good luck!”

Not even close. Remember this…
We’re handing it over to you as a step-by-step, support-driven, implement-as-you-need SYSTEM.
Which means that it’s delivered to you as bite-sized, actionable steps that you can dive into one entertaining video, guide or checklist at a time. It’s the opposite of overwhelming. It’s meant to be EASY, fast and 100% foolproof in helping you experience the best parts of keeping chickens.

Let me make one thing clear.

Yes, you’re going to learn a LOT inside of Chickenpedia.

But the thing is… all of that material you’ll have instant access to?

It’s not just bits of info about chickens that we’re throwing at you saying “Here you go. Good luck!”

Not even close. Remember this…
We’re handing it over to you as a step-by-step, support-driven, implement-as-you-need SYSTEM.
Which means that it’s delivered to you as bite-sized, actionable steps that you can dive into one entertaining video, guide or checklist at a time. 

It’s the opposite of overwhelming.

It’s meant to be EASY, fast and 100% foolproof in helping you experience the best parts of keeping chickens.

But if you’re still worried that there’s too much in there for you to handle? No worries!

But if you’re still worried that there’s too much in there for you to handle? No worries!

We’ve also designed Chickenpedia for you to be able to jump in at anytime and pull out the exact help and advice you need for the specific problems you’re currently facing with your chickens. Now with lifetime access to the entire program and any future updates - you can go through it all at your own pace to become an expert chicken keeper or use it as and when you need some extra help to keep your chickens in perfect health!

To put it simply, we’re giving you lifetime access because we want to grow with you. 

You might not need it all now, but it’s here and waiting for you when you do! Just think of it as having lifetime access to an all-you-can-eat buffet that you can jump in and feed your appetite with whenever you’re craving an answer to ANY problem that you have as you continue on the exciting journey of being a chicken keeper. 

Pick out the answers that you need right now, then come back for more when you’re craving a solution to another problem!


Brisbane, AUS


Brisbane, AUS

"I'm a really busy mum of 2 kids and we recently got chickens. I've never kept chickens before and I could NOT do it without the help of Chickenpedia! It makes it so much easier to just follow the tips and tricks in the program and my favourite are definitely the chicken chores! I also love the recipes to feed my girls because I know that if I look after them, they'll look after us. I'm so glad I found you guys!"
"I just wanted to say thank you to you guys for such amazing support. I've had chickens for only 10 months and feel like it's been one problem after the other. First we had mites, then one of my daughters hens died, then we had egg laying issues - it was never ending. The mites took over $250 to fix and it was disgusting!

Your courses have given me so much confidence and I just LOVE your monthly step-by-step support program. Even though I did all your courses, I now just follow your step-by-step guide each month and my hens have never looked so healthy!

Anyways, just wanted to say thank you. Keep up the great work!"


New South Wales, AUS

"I never knew how much I was doing wrong until I did your courses and started following your monthly guide. I originally thought chickens were as simple as Food + Water, but my goodness was I wrong. We live in a pretty remote part of the country so temperatures here get extremely hot and cold but your advice has been THE BEST to ensure they’re safe and comfortable. It brings me so much joy to see such happy chickens free-ranging in my backyard. A big thank you to Jess, your help has been exceptional! Thank you!"


Columbus, OH

"Before joining Chickenpedia, I was starting to wonder if everyone was lieing when they said how much fun it was going to be to keep chickens. I felt like I was constantly just dealing with one problem after another everytime I came home from work. So much for it being a fun experience!

But once I joined and started following everything on Chickenpedia, I never had to worry about what to do or how to do it ever again. I can finally enjoy keeping chickens instead of constantly worrying about what to do to look after them. Love it!"


New York, USA

"My husband and I had a sick chicken (Lilly) so we took her to our local vet. What a terrible experience! They were not sure what was wrong, AND still charged $175. We tried a few things that we read over the next 3 weeks but has no improvement. We eventually found your website and your support - it’s truly been a lifesaver! Lilly made a full recovery and now all our hens are laying like they used too. SO SO happy! Worth every cent! I recommend your service to everyone I meet with Chickens!"


Louisville, USA

"After visiting a friend who had a beautiful chicken coop, I decided to get some chickens for myself and the kids to raise! But it was only a few weeks into keeping chickens that I realised how much work it was all actually going to be. Thankfully I found Chickenpedia and especially with the checklists to follow - the entire process has been so much more fun!"


Newark, USA

"My chooks kept laying deformed eggs and for the life of me, I couldn't figure out what was happening! Luckily my daughter heard about Chickenpedia from a friend and told me to check it out. I followed their tips on figuring out what was affecting my eggs and after I changed a few things - IT WORKED! I'm still surprised at how easy it was when someone just told me what I had to do to fix it."


Sydney, AUS

“What else have you got in store?” you say?


“What’s Up With My Chick?” Q&A’s Where We Cover The Biggest Questions You Have About Your Chickens!

Got a burning question about your chicken that you need an immediate answer for? We’ve got you covered. Our experts have listed their answers to the most common questions that keepers like you have sent through to help you get the instant support and solutions you need for your chicken worries. Just log in and instantly find the answer to your questions or submit your own to get answered!
                              Included with Chickenpedia!
Included with Chickenpedia!

The Perfect Keeper Playbook With Daily, Weekly & Monthly Guides & Checklists For You To Follow

Take the guesswork out of chicken keeping by following our daily, weekly and monthly action guides. These step-by-step frameworks will show you exactly what you need to do to ensure the health and wellbeing of your chickens in as little time as possible. Spend less time on caretaking and more time enjoying time with your happy flock!
                             Included with Chickenpedia!
Included with Chickenpedia!

90 Days Of Unlimited Access To Our Automated Chicken Health Diagnostics Software

Never again worry about what’s wrong with your chickens. With our automated chicken diagnostic software, you can simply pop in a few quick details about the symptoms that your chicken has. The software will analyse the symptoms and diagnose exactly what’s wrong with your chicken and how to help them recover!
                             Included with Chickenpedia!
Included with Chickenpedia!
  • The Ultimate Guide To Chicken Health (Value $197)
  • ​Finding The Perfect Breed (Value $197)
  • ​Raising Safe & Beautiful Baby Chicks (Value $197)
  • ​Crush Mice, Lice & Worms Permanently (Value $197)
  • ​Chicken Nutrition Secrets, Tips & Tricks (Value $197)
  • ​Building vs. Buying A Coop (Value $197)
  • Total Predator Preventation (Value $197)
  • ​Safely Incubate & Hatch Baby Chicks (Value $197)
  • ​Maximizing Your Hens’ Egg Laying (Value $197)
  • ​BONUS: Expert Support Q&A’s (Value $297)
  • ​BONUS: Perfect Keeper Checklists (Value $97)
  • ​BONUS: Chicken Diagnostics Software (Value $197)
  • Total Predator Prevention (Value $197)
  • ​Safely Incubate & Hatch Baby Chicks (Value $197)
  • ​Maximizing Your Hens’ Egg Laying (Value $197)
  • ​BONUS: Expert Support Q&A’s (Value $297)
  • ​BONUS: Perfect Keeper Checklists (Value $97)
  • ​BONUS: Chicken Diagnostics Software (Value $197)
Chickenpedia combines the very best strategies, tips and advice in the world about keeping chickens into a step-by-step, easy to follow system that’s been proven to work by thousands of keepers around the world.

We’re so confident that you’re going to love the program that we’re backing it up with our Chickentastic Guarantee!

If you join the program, implement what you learn and don't find your chickens looking happier and healthier with your chicken keeping journey made easier within the next 30 days - just send us a message and we’ll refund every last cent.

We’ll even let you keep the program if you aren’t in love with it so it’s 100% RISK-FREE.

No questions asked. No worries.

Let’s get real - why do you want to raise your own chickens?

If you’re anything like the thousands of chicken keepers that we’ve helped - you wanted to raise your own chickens because you love the idea of being able to wake up every morning to an array of fresh, organic, home-produced eggs waiting for you.

To be able to watch a flock of happy chickens grow and flourish right under your fingertips.

To watch your family and friends excitedly playing with your little feathered friends as you proudly showcase your new-found passion for all things poultry.

You DIDN’T sign up for a life filled with worries about your chickens’ health and wellbeing, dealing with infested coops or wondering why your eggs are coming out malformed and broken. But yet, after working with thousands of keepers from across the world, that’s the reality that faced so many of them before joining Chickenpedia.

The question is…

Which one do you want to become your reality?

This Could Be You...

  • My chickens have never seemed happier! I never knew that they could have such individual personalities, but the proof is in the pudding.”
  • Anytime an issue arises with my chickens, I just deal with the problem myself. No more wasting thousands of dollars on expensive vet bills!”And So Much More...
  • Eggs. Eggs. And even more eggs! I didn’t realise how easy this could have been!”
  • I literally don’t have to think about what to do. I just follow the chicken-keeping checklist and BOOM - it’s done!”
  • The in-laws were so surprised when they realised the delicious eggs they just had for dinner came from my own backyard. Brownie points made easy.”
  • I’ve never seen the kids so engaged with something that’s away from their devices! I don’t even have to worry about feeding time for the chicks!”

...and all for less than it costs to feed a dozen chickens for a month.

  • The Ultimate Guide To Chicken Health (Value $197)
  • ​Finding The Perfect Breed (Value $197)
  • ​Raising Safe & Beautiful Baby Chicks (Value $197)
  • ​Crush Mice, Lice & Worms Permanently (Value $197)
  • ​Chicken Nutrition Secrets, Tips & Tricks (Value $197)
  • ​Building vs. Buying A Coop (Value $197)
  • Total Predator Preventation (Value $197)
  • ​Safely Incubate & Hatch Baby Chicks (Value $197)
  • ​Maximizing Your Hens’ Egg Laying (Value $197)
  • ​BONUS: Expert Support Q&A’s (Value $297)
  • ​BONUS: Perfect Keeper Checklists (Value $97)
  • ​BONUS: Chicken Diagnostics Software (Value $197)
  • Total Predator Prevention (Value $197)
  • ​Safely Incubate & Hatch Baby Chicks (Value $197)
  • ​Maximizing Your Hens’ Egg Laying (Value $197)
  • ​BONUS: Expert Support Q&A’s (Value $297)
  • ​BONUS: Perfect Keeper Checklists (Value $97)
  • ​BONUS: Chicken Diagnostics Software (Value $197)

Frequently Asked Questions

 What if I’m brand new to chicken keeping?
Then Chickenpedia is perfect for you! We’ve designed the program to give you everything you need to go from beginner keeper to expert chicken maestro, one bite-sized video, checklist & guide at a time.
 Do I need any special equipment to access it all?
Not at all! You can access Chickenpedia through your browser on any device. We’ve now also got a mobile app that you can download for easy access to your course whenever you need it.
 How much time do I need to complete it?
The course is designed to give you everything you need to keep chickens. But that doesn’t mean that you need to do it all in one sitting! We’ve broken it down into actionable, bite-sized chunks that you can go through as you need to learn them so that it’s easy on your mind and easy on your time.
 Is there a money-back guarantee?
You bet! You’ve got a full 30 days to try out the entire program, see for yourself how much more fun it makes keeping chickens and if you aren’t 100% satisfied for any reason at all, just get in touch we’ll refund it all. We’ll even let you keep the program after! That’s just how confident we are that you’re going to love it.
 Does this apply to raising chickens in any country? 
Definitely! We’ve designed the program to help you become a better keeper, no matter where you are in the world.
 What if I still have more questions?
Just get in touch with us today and we’ll be here to help!
  • The Ultimate Guide To Chicken Health (Value $197)
  • ​Finding The Perfect Breed (Value $197)
  • ​Raising Safe & Beautiful Baby Chicks (Value $197)
  • ​Crush Mice, Lice & Worms Permanently (Value $197)
  • ​Chicken Nutrition Secrets, Tips & Tricks (Value $197)
  • ​Building vs. Buying A Coop (Value $197)
  • Total Predator Preventation (Value $197)
  • ​Safely Incubate & Hatch Baby Chicks (Value $197)
  • ​Maximizing Your Hens’ Egg Laying (Value $197)
  • ​BONUS: Expert Support Q&A’s (Value $297)
  • ​BONUS: Perfect Keeper Checklists (Value $97)
  • ​BONUS: Chicken Diagnostics Software (Value $197)
  • Total Predator Prevention (Value $197)
  • ​Safely Incubate & Hatch Baby Chicks (Value $197)
  • ​Maximizing Your Hens’ Egg Laying (Value $197)
  • ​BONUS: Expert Support Q&A’s (Value $297)
  • ​BONUS: Perfect Keeper Checklists (Value $97)
  • ​BONUS: Chicken Diagnostics Software (Value $197)

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